Our Philosophy

At Resonant, we feel strongly about the SR&ED program and its benefits to Canadian growth and business development. For many companies, the SR&ED refund they get each year can mean the difference between growing a strong Canadian development environment and downsizing or shipping jobs overseas. Since the 1980s, the SR&ED program has been encouraging businesses, foreign and domestic, to hire and thrive in Canada. This is something we at Resonant are proud to be a part of, and something we are happy to spend extra time helping to educate others about.

Resonant Consulting’s core philosophy is to manage and represent our clients’ claims with utmost integrity, and also to further knowledge of the SR&ED program through the education of others.


The accurate and truthful representation of your work, and how it meets the SR&ED criteria, is of paramount importance to us, as it is for our clients. The shared goal of maximizing our clients’ refund never interferes with that primary concern.

Through our experience, and through discussions with our CRA SR&ED contacts, we know that the surest way to maximize your claim each year is to be open and honest about your work. Our SR&ED experts will work hard to identify all of your work which is eligible, so you can be certain that you receive the entire refund that you earn each year.

When SR&ED is filed on your corporate T2, both our company names are listed on the forms. You can be certain that having Resonant Consulting on your SR&ED forms will carry with it the strong positive reputation among the CRA SR&ED staff which we have worked hard to earn.


Delivering over $4 Billion in incentives annually, the SR&ED program is extremely beneficial to Canadian businesses. Unfortunately, a great many businesses don’t know about the program, or underestimate its benefits. We feel very strongly that the more that is known about SR&ED, the better it is for all our businesses and the Canadian economy.

We see value in proselytizing the program, beyond simply increasing our clientele. The SR&ED literature available on this website is always expanding, and news & information about the SR&ED program is frequently updated. We will also be hosting information seminars for those interested in learning more about the program.

Whether or not we wind up doing business together, Resonant is also happy to spend time assisting those who have questions or who want to learn more about the SR&ED program. If you have unanswered questions, or would simply like to discuss the program, drop us a line. We’d be glad to hear from you, and are always happy to chat, email, or meet for coffee to talk about SR&ED.