New SR&ED Refund Estimate Calculator
Please visit our new SR&ED refund estimate calculator! With this tool, you can get an idea of the size of the SR&ED refund which is waiting for you to claim. Don’t forget that you can retroactively file for last year and receive double your refund. The deadline for last year is approaching though, make sure you don’t lose your refund forever.
Beware of one of the most common SR&ED Myths: underestimating your eligibility. Most underestimate the eligibility of their work by a wide margin. The SR&ED criteria apply to a broad range of development in all sectors. Whether you engage in manufacturing, green technology, information technology, agriculture, or other work where you create or improve a product, process, or technique, you will be eligible for a significant SR&ED refund each year.
Use our estimate calculator to view your refund under a wide range of eligibility. Contact Resonant Consulting to arrange a quick meeting to get a better understanding of how your ‘routine development’ is earning you a significant refund each year.